Particularly on extended trips, a portable fridge/freezer can be a great addition to your camping setup. Bear in mind camping fridges take up a lot of room, and require a power source.
These days there are quite a few more affordable options on the market, so what should you be on the lookout for when choosing a portable camping fridge?
Plastic or Metal?
Plastic fridges are lightweight and tend to be more affordable than their metal counterparts. However, stainless steel fridges tend to be more rugged and suited to overlanding etc.
When choosing a fridge for the back of your vehicle, look for something with strong handles that you can use to tie the fridge down with.

Single or Dual-Compartment?
If your fridge has one compartment then it’s either a fridge or a freezer, whereas a dual-compartment fridge allows you to keep frozen food separate. Some fridges even have a removable divider that allows you the choice between single or dual.
A tailored fridge cover is a great addition, not only protecting your fridge from scratches and scuffs, but also increasing insulation and protection from direct sun. Some fridges feature Bluetooth® technology to connect to an app on your phone, allowing you to keep an eye on the temperature while driving.
Operating your Portable Camping Fridge
Set your fridge to +3˚C and freezer to -16˚C to start with. You can always change these setting later if the ambient (outside) temperature is too high. Keep the fridge full where possible to avoid the fridge being full of air which allows temperatures to fluctuate.
Ensure the fridge vents are clear for airflow.

Packing your Camping Fridge
Where possible, cool your food at home before packing your portable fridge. It is best to pack in reverse order you are planning to eat the food. That way the food you want to use first is at the top, and you open the fridge as little as possible.
Basic Troubleshooting
- Fridge works on mains but not on 12V: Check all connectors, cables and fuses.
- Fridge stops working: Check battery or battery protection setting. Check vents are clear.
- Check that your vehicle battery is in a good condition, and that your secondary battery (if installed) is holding charge.
- Pack spare fuses to match the type used by your vehicle and other appliances.
- Pack spare connectors and insulation tape for any minor repairs.