Camping Equipment & Hiking Gear

As one of the leading distributors of camping equipment and hiking gear in South Africa, we’re dedicated to supplying our clients with the widest range of quality outdoor equipment online. We stock only the best camping and hiking brands available from both the South African and international markets, and this gear goes a long way to make your adventure safe, comfortable and enjoyable.
You’ll find anything you could possibly need or want, from creature comforts like camping kitchens and camping showers to necessities such as sleeping bags, tents, or mosquito repellents. With top brands such as Tentco, Oztrail, Coghlan, Afritrail and Highlander, you’re bound to find a highly durable, quality tent and other camping equipment to not only save you money in the long run but also protect you against the elements, and provide years of use and enjoyment. Hikers will also love the extensive range of hiking gear we stock, from backpacks to small portable tents and bivouacs for hikers sleeping on the trail. And when the trail gets tough, you’ll much appreciate a trekking pole or other camping tools to cater for your every need.
That’s just some of the camping equipment and outdoor gear you can find at our Camp and Climb online store. Take a look through our collection to find all the essentials and nice-to-haves for your outdoor adventure.